Jacob Pucar
November 29, 2022
Lauschtert eran an der Kannerkëscht um radio 100,7, wou d'Frauke an de Filipe erkläre wat de MathemaTIC ass a wat een drop maache kann: https://www.100komma7.lu/article/kannerkscht/mathematic-en-t-rex-an-eng-botterschmier
Listen to our new podcast from Kannerkëscht on radio 100,7, on which Frauke and Filipe explain what MathemaTIC is and what you can do on it: https://www.100komma7.lu/article/kannerkscht/mathematic-en-t-rex-an-eng-botterschmier
MathemaTIC is a personalized learning platform that is designed to make the experience of learning mathematics engaging and enjoyable for every learner.